AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Is 18 Really Old Enough?

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Apr 11, 2024
I have moderated for a few CB models - most of them are/were in the 18 year old, new girl stage. I have quit, because I simply do not feel good about urging an 18 yr old kid to strip and cum on cam, and urging other guys to egg her on. But that's a me thing.

Most of these girls seem to be completely unprepared to enter this world. They are unaware that most of their public shows are recorded and posted on other sites, and have not considered any DMCA protections at all. That their private shows can be recorded (and sometimes are) regardless of their settings, and are then uploaded to other sites. I am especially concerned with those who are doing this to support their education and think that they are only doing this "for now". They don't seem to have thought through that what they are doing is not just for now, but will forever be on the web. That more and more employers are using facial recognition software in their hiring processes - and this trend will only grow as AI software continues to improve - and that their future plans are in danger of being over before they begin.

So I ask - in general - is 18 too young to enter the adult camming world?
I have moderated for a few CB models - most of them are/were in the 18 year old, new girl stage. I have quit, because I simply do not feel good about urging an 18 yr old kid to strip and cum on cam, and urging other guys to egg her on. But that's a me thing.

Most of these girls seem to be completely unprepared to enter this world. They are unaware that most of their public shows are recorded and posted on other sites, and have not considered any DMCA protections at all. That their private shows can be recorded (and sometimes are) regardless of their settings, and are then uploaded to other sites. I am especially concerned with those who are doing this to support their education and think that they are only doing this "for now". They don't seem to have thought through that what they are doing is not just for now, but will forever be on the web. That more and more employers are using facial recognition software in their hiring processes - and this trend will only grow as AI software continues to improve - and that their future plans are in danger of being over before they begin.

So I ask - in general - is 18 too young to enter the adult camming world?
This is a tough one. First off as I'm sure you are aware many girl's are lying about being 18, seems to help gain interest.
Yeah I do think there's definitely some girls that haven't thought it through or don't know the problems that could come with the job.
On the other hand know older girls who wished they had joined earlier then working as waitress while struggling with education.
Another girl who started before just before she turned 19 was glad she joined as it paid for her to leave Russia for Spain.

I would say the main problem (like with porn in general) is that people aren't told about the negatives and only the positives.
I think the op wanted models to respond to this...unless he posted it in the Ask-A-Model section by accident?

Yeah, we do a lot of things at 18 without really thinking it through. And even though many of us middle-aged folks consider that "young," and might even say things like "Oh, to be 18 and naive again..." (lol), we have to remember that at 18 they are young adults...and we need to let young adults make their own decisions. I do wish, though, that instead of just boasting "You can make up to __ thousand per week!" every one of these cam sites could have an AmberCutie Forum banner right there on their model signup page that leads prospective models directly to this forum (and the 'Camming beginners advice' section). :) As well as a message urging them to please read this BEFORE signing up as a model.

If I had known about camming at that age, I would've done it then...instead of work all day at $7-$7.50/hour paying daycare jobs where I'm told I have to take out my nose stud. 🙄
It really depends on the 18 year old. There are lots of people in their 20s and 30s who come here unaware of what they have gotten into too… that’s not unique to 18 year olds.

I wish I had known about this way before I did. It would have kept me out of so, so much meat world trouble! And I would have earned! Would’ve been great!

(That was my first ever use of the term “meat world” or first ever attempt at putting it in a sentence, so cut me slack if it ain’t 100 percent right lol).
I would not have been ready at 18 for this, but they also let me get married and I was far from ready for that either. I’d argue the military is a similar choice with far reaching consequences…

So I guess for me it is a bigger question about how society determines maturity and readiness for things and I dunno. I dunno the answer
My worry, regardless of the age of the model, really is how much it effects people emotionally. So more the emotional age than the physical age.

If you allow the amount of tokens you are earning become your measure of self worth, it can be seriously damaging long term. When you are working totally nude and letting people control your sexual acts and potentially pleasure, you are opening up in ways that can allow for some serious emotional damage to occur unless you are mature enough to know how to protect yourself. Not to mention the straight up abuse that is unavoidable...

There are so many people out there who are predatory to vulnerable girls online, whether that is by scamming, or by manipulating, "helpfully moderating" or whatever it may be..And it is a lonely world, where the girls are left to make their own decisions even when they are not necessarily ready or experienced enough to make the best decisions.

But such is life also offline, maybe learning the ways of the world from home is not the worst thing.

I dont mean this to come across as patronising, I am more in a mother hen-type of mood.
It's not an 18 issue, it's just a people issue in general. People generally dont take the time to take a step back and look at things as "these are the positives/ these are the negatives" and then make an informed decision on anything whether it's stating working in the adult industry , signing a predatory employment contract or signing finance on a new washing machine, all can have a very negative impact if you dont inform yourself of the possible risks. Even when the information is put right in front of them most will completely ignore it and sign whatever is given to them without a thought about what they are getting into. It's not a not knowledge issue or a maturity issue imo it's a laziness issue.
I appreciate all of your thoughtful perspectives - I definitely agree with the emotional age vs physical age points that have been made. I recently had a very difficult conversation with an 18 yo model who is very emotionally conflicted about what she is doing.
It's not an 18 issue, it's just a people issue in general. People generally dont take the time to take a step back and look at things as "these are the positives/ these are the negatives" and then make an informed decision on anything whether it's stating working in the adult industry , signing a predatory employment contract or signing finance on a new washing machine, all can have a very negative impact if you dont inform yourself of the possible risks. Even when the information is put right in front of them most will completely ignore it and sign whatever is given to them without a thought about what they are getting into. It's not a not knowledge issue or a maturity issue imo it's a laziness issue.
Speaking of laziness, be honest has anyone ever read the small print information when they go onto a website? I did on the whole not for those under 18 on a porn site once. Apparently you can use porn as a sex education tool.........I hope people don't, just use those booklets and videos from the 80s instead.
Speaking of laziness, be honest has anyone ever read the small print information when they go onto a website?
For sites where there's anything financial happening (purchases or getting paid) 100% of the time. general sites like reddit where I am not even making an account not so much.
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The human brain fully develops around 24 years.

Humans become sexually active at 18.
Not even remotely accurate on the second part there.
According to a 2012 study looking at participants in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, sexual debut (first sexual experience) is classified as "early" if it occurs before age 15, "normative" if it occurs between 15 and 19, and "late" if it occurs after the age of 19.

I started masturbating at 15, I guess.
Neither on the first part. Human brain never stops developing.
Educate yourself: Although the brain stops growing in size by early adolescence, the teen years are all about fine-tuning how the brain works. The brain finishes developing and maturing in the mid-to-late 20s. The part of the brain behind the forehead, called the prefrontal cortex, is one of the last parts to mature.


When did you first masturbate?
This will go down like a ton bag of bricks....

SMH. 🤦‍♀️ Shane, maybe just exit now and never return.
Lol. I knew this was gonna build up to him asking models on here a question like that. Well played….. 🙄

Models, don’t let guys like Shane be the reason you wind up getting permanently banned on your favorite cam site. The “How old were you when you first ________?” discussions that we may have gotten away with having on cam sites several years ago with no issues…I wouldn’t risk it now with the way models are getting banned all willy nilly. I’m very grateful that this forum has got me trained to know to never answer that question again on cam (unless it’s something safe like “How old were you when you noticed your first gray hairs?,” :p ).
I got my first grey hair at age 24.
They don't tell people that the majority get their first grey in your 20s.
Too many young people going "oh fuck already" only to find out they still got decades........if you're a male brit, its going bald before 30 that you need to worry about!
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I got my first grey hair at age 24.
They don't tell people that the majority get their first grey in your 20s.
Too many young people going "oh fuck already" only to find out they still got decades........if you're a male brit, its going bald before 30 that you need to worry about!
I honestly paniced when I found the first grey hair in my beard at 34 xD so hearing this actually makes me a little happy, I had on clue it was a common thing
I honestly paniced when I found the first grey hair in my beard at 34 xD so hearing this actually makes me a little happy, I had on clue it was a common thing
I love my grey beard. I’m 42 and used to dye it and my hair, but I can’t be bothered now.

Embrace it! I’ve had nothing but compliments 🤷🏻‍♂️
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I've got like 8 gray hairs. They look like blonde streaks on cam. I'll probably embrace it because I hate the process of dying my hair. It smells bad, it fades too quickly, never the right shade for my skin tone. Just a pain in the ass all the way around.
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I started going grey at 18. I dated a guy who was bald by 21. It’s genetic.

The problem when you have long hair and start dying it is you’d have to commit to a weird phase to grow it out. I like grey and silver but I don’t like half grey as the dye part grows out.

People who make comments about grey hair, menopause, being old at 40 are either ignorant, extremely young themselves, or bitch ass trolls (jealous other models or jealous over attached men). I love it when they let me know that, so I can ban them before they start to become a huge turn off for everyone in my room. It’s like they out themselves so I don’t have to.
I started going grey at 18. I dated a guy who was bald by 21. It’s genetic.

The problem when you have long hair and start dying it is you’d have to commit to a weird phase to grow it out. I like grey and silver but I don’t like half grey as the dye part grows out.

People who make comments about grey hair, menopause, being old at 40 are either ignorant, extremely young themselves, or bitch ass trolls (jealous other models or jealous over attached men). I love it when they let me know that, so I can ban them before they start to become a huge turn off for everyone in my room. It’s like they out themselves so I don’t have to.
I get called grandpa at my work team currently :p I'm 2 years older than the next oldest person, but it's more a running joke honestly

I do not mind the grey hairs in the beard, I did cut off ALL my hair at 30 and beyond, because I started getting really high temples and I just thought it looked horrible :D but yea.. 40 is not old at all, it's also funny for me to think about that we (or I did at least) look at grey hair as a "Old" thing... but we have grey-ish hair for more than half our lives?
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